Friday, July 12, 2013

You're Hired! Wait...Huh? (Part II)

What is wrong with these people? By some 8th Day Miracle of God, they've just managed to  land a job, that pays good money and offers hours that they all say that they need; so, at what point, exactly, does the train wreck occur? You all know these people. You look at them and wonder what we were thinking, lay your bets down on the lunch room table, then roll your eyes when Betty Lou, the 30th-anniversary-of-life-given-to-this-company, Head Cashier nails it, after New Guy assimilates himself into the group of other malcontents that somehow have managed to remain employed for longer than fifteen minutes. And...exhale.

What I truly don't understand, or find it impossible to relate to, is, these people are healthy, smart individuals.  I've always said that if they put half as much creative energy into committing themselves to improving their standard of living, and making a contribution, instead of finding ways around their employment obligations, they could run the stinking company! And, I've met some brilliant, and brilliantly lazy, people in my time in the public sector. But, predictably, the job, new job, is treated like a trip to the dentist for a root canal, without any anesthetic. It's as if their mother, or girlfriend (unlikely), or wife (highly unlikely), has demanded they get off their lazy rears and go make some money. Soooo, they trek down to the local Quickie Mart, pick up a pack of generic cigarettes, take a drink from the slushy machine dispenser, shove a newspaper down the front of their D.D. camouflage pj's (ironic, huh?), shuffle home, the toe strap on one of their $1.89 China Mart flip flops flapping with each high step to the pavement and head to the basement, where they tear through the paper, looking for the want-ads, then thumb tack another hole into the wall of the double wide and begin a frantic search for the 'Dart of Employment' (I know...highly unlikely the DW has a basement, but play along, okay?). Then, upon sobering up enough to hit the paper, you, as the employer, become the lucky recipient of, 'You're Hired', Part I.

And these people are m-I-s-e-r-a-b-l-e individuals; and the majority have families (that topic must wait for another day)! Are these family members doomed to be just as miserable? You'd have to think so. What about the kids? So sad...
You would think that someone who shows up for a job, to support someone, would be thankful regardless of the circumstances of their employment. But instead, they hang out, day after day, and bitch and moan about everything that's wrong with their life, job (that they bothered to waste our time applying for), their bosses and anything else that they think people with the same mindset want to hear them spew about. And these people n-e-v-e-r  l-e-a-v-e. Why? What enjoyment can they possibly get out of behaving in this manner? I guarantee you know at least one person in your place of employment, right now, and could offer their name without hesitation, because they're everywhere. They're the employees that get hired by whomever will pay them, stay for 30+ years (sorry, Betty Lou) and complain for the duration, because they lack the courage, will, and conviction, to forge their own path; to acknowledge the fact that this is the one chance they'll get in this life and should make the most of it. What a stupid way to think. Wouldn't it be a much more fulfilling life to seek out your passion, get involved, even if it is for a little less money, happy?!? And don't get me started on able-bodied welfare recipients. The first-hand stories I've heard directly from these folks would require a third installment.

The mental state of the American worker is pathetic and sad. Yes, many jobs have gone overseas, or into other countries, but there are still jobs here in the States. You probably won't get rich overnight, but you know what? You might. That's the 'American Dream'. And the ironic part about the jobs that aren't here anymore, is that companies were savvy enough to find a location where They were begging for work; and they got it. 

If you don't like the state of affairs regarding today's workplace, then you must be willing to affect change. Take a chance, use the brilliant mind you were gifted and do it better. We all have it in us to make a positive impact; what we lack is the motivation. You want to talk about the pride of the American worker? Then, stand up..shut up..and prove it.

Until tomorrow,


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