Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The Status Update

Thank god for social networking and the status update. But, what exactly is the status update and why do we care about it so much? One Internet site defines it as, "an update feature which allows users to discuss their thoughts, whereabouts, or important information with their friends". They go on to say the update is, "usually short and generally gives information without going into too much detail". If this is the true definition of a status update, then I don't know that I've ever read one, at least on a particular Harvard alum's mega networking conglomerate (and, for the record, nowhere is there any mention of cats, or cakes).

No, what I'm used to seeing would be more accurately regarded as "status pontification", "status malady of the millennium ", or "status of a 'don't quit your day job'". Admittedly, I'm guilty of all of the above. The difference is, I'm relevant and funny, you're not.

Status, according to, is defined as: 1) position relating to that of others: standing 2) high standing: prestige: a position of status in the community. This, to me, is what it's truly all about. Not being funny, or relaying the perfect recipe (there's a site for that), but attempting to be more funny, or have a better recipe. But why is this all so important to us? Have we really failed so miserably in our professional, or personal lives, that this is the only outlet remaining to make us feel better about ourselves? In my humble opinion, it's okay if this is the case; just be honest. I'm pretty sure we all know that our buddy that drinks just a little bit too much and hoards his food stamps one week, isn't the CEO of a newly minted Fortune 200 company the next. Oh, and I'm really not that funny.

Don't get me wrong, the status update is a useful tool for its intended use, but let's cut through the b.s. It really doesn't take that much creativity to take a lame-o posting, add a few kids, or dancing animals and make it epic. But, be real; this doesn't make you original, it makes you an imaginative me. 

Social media is an important means of connecting with others, keeping up with their lives, health and well being and, well, networking. But, take it from me, we all know who you are, where you live and what you do on a daily basis, in reality. Keep the nonsense to a minimum, or you'll end up like me..writing a blog..for people you've fooled into thinking you're something you obviously have no hope to become, in this lifetime. Don't be stupid.

Until tomorrow,



  1. YOU are a mess...

    1. Congrats! You can screen save this page and tell all of your friends YOU were my first comment, back in the day. And yes, you speak an obvious truth...
