Friday, July 26, 2013

He's Coming To America...TODAY!

After much self-deliberation, and with astute profoundness, or profound astuteness (whichever the case), I have decided to give you a break from me today and, instead, allow you the pleasure of the voice of a 2 year-old, just "home" to the states, after spending the first years of his life in an orphanage. Well, not his voice perhaps. He's Haitian, and as such, has primarily been exposed to Creole as his first language. If he could have spoken English at the time, I would imagine this is what his 'voice' might sound like, on this, the 9th anniversary of Makenley Parker Louissaint Deuschle's, 'Gotcha Day'.

Enjoy this letter to his new friends and family, dated July 26, 2004...

Hi everyone-

Greetings..from..AMERICA! I must say it's great to finally be here and meet some of the crazy people that have been asking me when I'm coming home. Before, I didn't know what home was, but now I'm starting to understand. Home is a big place where everyone has their own room, their own toys and we get to eat eggs out of a bowl with our own spoon, like big boys. Oh yeah, home is also where there are lots of doggies and a kitty. Kitty doesn't bother me too much, but the puppies are noisy. If they don't watch it, I'm going to bonk them on the nose. Just ask mommy about that one! came to hear about yesterday, so I'll do my bestest to remember (I'm a little bit tired from everything they put me through)...

To start everything off right, I woke up mommy and daddy at 3:30 in the morning; they were a little bit grumpy, hehe. Then I cried a little, faked like I was asleep, cried some more, went potty for mommy, got changed and climbed on her back, ready for the day...

They took me to breakfast, where I mainly played with the room key while she and daddy fussed some more about how tired they were and how long the day was gonna be. It was a hoot! The last thing I remember about that was, they said they were praying I'd be good on the plane, because I was up so early. I didn't really know what a plane was, so I kinda ignored it, but in the back of my mind I was thinking, 'We'll see'...

After breakfast, we met uncle Julma and cousin Junior. They told my daddy, 'We must go', so they had to pack very fast (mommy was not pleased) to leave for the airport. They fussed a little more in the room while they got everything together, and I just sat there wondering, 'Who are the babies here?' Nobody told me it was going to be this much fun just to watch...

Next, we went to the airport and had to go in lines. A LOT of guys took all the luggage from daddy and said they were there to help. They helped him, alright; helped him separate himself from his money. I didn't mind too much because, again, I don't even know what money is. Daddy was nervous, though, because mommy gave him something called, the 'evil eye'. This sounded much worse than anything you could ever catch in Haiti, where I'm from...

So we went through a line, where a really big man looked at us funny and asked my parents if I was theirs, and if they really wanted to do this (at least that was my interpretation). They insisted that I was, and they did, and he finally let us go. We waited a little while and then we went outside and walked up a 'mountain' and got in this really big machine. That's when they finally told me, this was a plane...

                                                                                                                                                                                        I don't know if any of you have ever been on a plane, but they're HUGANTIC! There were a lot of people, and I didn't know very many of them. I was sorta nervous, but I looked up and saw mommy and daddy, and felt A LOT better. I didn't know where they were taking me, but I didn't care, because they were with me...
Ok, so flying is fun. I really like taking off. It's fun watching everything get tiny, like ants; and the turbulence is great! Every time we bounced in the plane, I looked at daddy and we shared a laugh. Aunties, Lisa and Nancy, also entertained me and kept me laughing all the way to Miami (whatever that is). Daddy said it was good, so I went with it. Oh yeah, and I went potty on mommy's leg. She was tired and not very happy about it...
Miami was fun for me. I got to see mommy and daddy run around, acting silly again. First, they had to walk a really long way. Mommy took me in to change (and dry off) and we walked a lot more, to the passport place. The lines were kinda long, but the lady eventually took our passports and put little stamps on them, and smiled at me. She was nice. I liked her. Next, we waited for a man to take us in the immigration room (this is when daddy started looking at his watch). We didn't wait long, and when we went in the room, there were only three other people waiting, for to be citizens. Auntie Lisa told my parents we were lucky, because it was usually full. Daddy looked at his watch again. It only took about 20 minutes in there and then we had to walk a lot again, to go find our luggage. In Miami, they make you get your luggage and walk some more and then give it to somebody else, so they can put it in the new plane. I thought this was dumb. They must be lazy in Miami...

After we did that, daddy stopped to get mommy a sandwich at Burger King. I asked daddy for a Happy Meal and he said, "Wrong place"; then he...e-v-e-r-y-b-o-d-y...LOOKED AT HIS WATCH, AGAIN! Mommy ate really fast before we went to the X-ray machine, and I heard her tell daddy she didn't feel very good, because it was too fast for her to eat. Then, we put everything on the belt and they frisked mommy. Uh oh. She was REALLY mad about this. We men just looked at each other and rolled our eyes. Do they really think I'm a 2 year-old terrorizer? I heard daddy mumble something like, "They have no idea". We finally got to our gate and the nice man told us the flight was overbooked and we were bumped. Noooo, he didn't. Hehe. He actually changed our seat places, so we could all sit together. Then we started to come to Indiapolis...

When we got on this plane, I got tired. I started to cry, but mommy had daddy make me a 'secret bottle' (do they not think I can hear?), while she distracted me by making me do silly things, like wave to the man outside with the little orange sticks. I'm almost 2, so I obliged. We took off and it was still fun for a little while, but then I needed a nap. They had kept me up for a really long time, so I slept the whole way. Right before I woke up, I went potty on mommy's other leg (true story), and I saw her use the evil eye on daddy again; she didn't know I was awake. She changed me right there on the plane, but I don't think too many people noticed, because only a few turned around to sniff. She was very fast, I was clean, we were landing AND daddy stopped looking at his watch. Oh yeah, a few ladies talked to mommy on the plane and told her how lucky she was that I slept the whole time. Mommy said, "I know", but I didn't tell her I was good all day because I was so happy she took me to Indiapolis with her and daddy. That's going to always be my secret...
When we got to the terminal, nobody was happy to see us. What I mean is, we were 30 minutes early, so nobody was there. It was kinda anti-climatic, if you ask me. Here I was, fresh in from another country, I was good all day and nobody even wanted to see me? Geesh! I think mommy and daddy were ok, though, because I heard them finally exhale. Daddy must have been loud though, because he made some people look up and they started to scream. They told me it was a good scream, though; because they were happy to see me. It was mamaw and pappy and, another aunt, Brenda. Then, all of my new friends started to come, and they all brought me toys; it was a lot of fun. I met my other mamaw and pappy (how lucky am I? I have two!). They waited for me where the bags come from. I guess they didn't know they could just go see me upstairs, but I finally got to see them and my uncles, and then we all went to eat some food. I don't remember too much after that, because I got very sleepy...

All I know is, it was a very good day, and I was a good boy. I love all my new families and friends, and I'm so happy to be 'home' with my mommy and daddy...forever. Thank you.

The end.


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