Sunday, July 7, 2013

I'm Prejudiced...So Sue Me

Yes, you read it right. No need to adjust you tablets, or monitors, or whatever device the two of you are reading this on. I'm prejudiced, but my prejudice has nothing to do with race, or sexual orientation, or gender; well, mostly. No, my prejudice is much more encompassing, or comprehensive, if you will. My prejudice deals with, first and foremost, anyone?, stupidity. But let's not close the door on the subject there. I'm just getting warmed up. Besides, I did say it was a very comprehensive list and we have to do this subject justice...

Moving forward, my prejudice deals with (inhale), ignorance, idiocy, rudeness, arrogance, laziness, envy, jealousy, gossip, immaturity, bullying, self absorption, bad driving, thieves, liars, criminals, intolerance, abuse, Walmart, slow drivers, weak minds, quitters, egomaniacs, dealers, users, thugs, Game Stop, meat heads, bad music, pontification (ha, ha), losers, deadbeats, the uninformed, politicians, excuses, stank, those who ignore stop signs and stop lights, ugly babies and cats. 

Why do I feel so strongly about my prejudices? Oh, I don't know. Probably because it's everything that's wrong with society! I am so sick and tired of the lack of accountability today. What in the world happened? It's no wonder we have so many people getting sick, on anti anxiety medicine, sleep medication, pills for hyperactivity; it's because we refuse to take control of our lives, but instead choose to whine and moan and blame everyone else and it's making us c-r-a-z-y. I know, I've been there. But I refuse to be a victim to the game any longer. Life moves quickly and is so very short. 

You get one go around in this life unless, of course, you believe in reincarnation, in which case you get 1,000 go arounds and can stop reading now. 99.9% of us get one go around. If you don't like the way things are going, change it. What's the worst thing that can happen? You're already miserable, so take you life back. Get help, give help, but at the absolute least, demand your life back and get off my list!

Oh, and if you don't like my entry? Sue me.

Until tomorrow,



  1. I know what happened.......They started giving everyone a trophy just for showing up!!! Don't get me started on this one........

    1. Ha ha. You must have gotten an advanced copy of my journal topics.
