Sunday, July 28, 2013

Dear God...I Demand An Explanation

My topic today will inspire some to wonder, some to question and some to condemn; me, for the rant I'm about to unleash, but you know what? I don't care. Plain and simple. I'm sick and tired of the nonsense and I want answers. And you know what? I'm going to get them. If not now, later. I can wait because this has been burning a hole in my soul for years. Somehow, some way, some day, GOD, you will tell me why; why very bad things continue to happen to good and, many times, innocent people. Last evening, a 3 year-old girl was shot and killed by a stray bullet, through the side of her house, as she was watching cartoons before bed...

We get it. You issued a directive not to eat the apple. We, created in Your image, couldn't resist. This made you angry, beyond belief, and now generations have paid for our 'human' error, with the punch line to your sadistic sense of humor. The irony? The 'apple' is now recognized as a viable method for holding physicians at bay. Are we to deduce from this logic that doctors are the devil and they want us to partake for an entirely different set of logical, or illogical, reasons? On the city's east side, a 5 year-old pedestrian was struck and killed by a hit and run motorist this afternoon. There were no witnesses...

Before I am labeled a blaspheming malcontent, and people begin hurling scriptures, or entire Bibles at me, sit back, examine and reflect on what I'm asking, or questioning. What exactly is the threshold of what we are able to handle? What is the ceiling? Because I see a lot of people in our society suffering every day, and many of them can't see the light, or part the seas, or muddle through the mire of life to discover this answer on their own. And, for many of them, it's already too late. Or, is this the part where our compassionate God lobs it back into our court and says, in an effusive manner, 'You've got this. Trust me.'? Tragedy today, when a bus carrying a load of passengers returning from church camp, overturned killing a youth pastor, his wife and their unborn child. Their 2 year-old son survived...

Here's an idea...let me be the punch line. I've lived a full life. If You have decided this is the course human life must take, I'll be the first in line. Or, why not the drunk with total disregard for his life, or that of anyone else? Obviously, he's already checked out; thrown in the towel. Take him, or her. But, that wouldn't be fair. How would we ever be made to pay for the SIN of that fateful day, when we took the bite and felt the shame of our nakedness. By the way, was this literal, or figurative nakedness, because it's all a little fuzzy to me? Take us, but STOP with the innocent and the good; the children. Are you really that short on angels these days? Sad news out of (insert city) today, when (insert name), the vivacious, cheerful 9 year-old, who took the country by storm with their positive outlook on this cruel, evil life, succumbed to the (insert horrifying, unimaginable disease), which had afflicted them for most of their brief childhood...

Maybe this is the point. We, as adults in society, the mentors of tomorrow's leaders, need to be taught an invaluable lesson ourselves; to be led. And, who better to provoke thought, or emotion, or action, than children? It sucks for us when these things happen to the good, or innocent, people around us, but what if that's merely a result of our being left behind? Perhaps these innocents had more to share, or get, out of this life in a brief period, than an entire lifetime of confusion and wonder. That, and they don't need saving; we do. I can't prove this to be fact, but it's the only thing that makes sense and, believe me, I will find out one day. But for now, I am angry, and hurt, and scared; and that's okay. God doesn't expect us to be perfect, but He does expect us to try; to make an honest effort at finding answers and question logic...and mourn. If we accepted these tragedies at face value, what would be the point in that? Today, all over the world, another angel has gained their wings...

Until tomorrow,


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