Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Beginning of Something...Well, Something

Well, here it is. Many of you have asked, "When are you going to write a book, or start a blog?" Just as many, if not more, have privately prayed, 'Oh, dear god no'. 'He's already impossible to deal with. Pleaaase don't subject us to that nightmare'. 

The best case scenario for that latter among you, is that I will be completely unoriginal, will fail miserably in my attempts to inform, entertain and provoke thought and will slink away, tail between my legs, silently into the night. The worst case scenario, however, is that I will gain traction, and momentum, and a few people will actually enjoy the rumblings that come from the ends of my fingers and into your personal cyber 'space'. These groupies (or immediate family members) will share their favorite editions and we will become an unstoppable force, a worldwide phenomenon, if you will.

But, what is it all about, this Therapeutically Certifiable blog? What will set you apart from the millions of other fast food novelists clogging up our hard drives and mega memory? Well, nothing; or everything. In fact my initial brainstorm of brilliance was to call it 'The Blog of Nothing'. Unfortunately, someone forgot to tell me the blogger community isn't a unique literary highway, reserved for my neighbor Barney and myself, but that is the premise. Whatever I believe will be thought provoking, infuriating, or hilarious at any given moment will more than likely become part of this dubious endeavor. Whatever I believe will suck, will not. Several of you have requested topical spots, on occasion, but most of you will probably be ignored. When it come to derailing a train, I'm perfectly capable of the 'crash and burn'.

Many of you may read this journal and think, 'This is terrible'. 'It's a grammatical nightmare and not at all what I'd hoped it would be'. Great! That means I have room to improve and can take your thoughts and ideas, incorporate them into my arena and subsidize my retirement off of the '50% of the time I'm right, the other 50% of the time I'm never wrong', crowd. Ultimately it's about me and my journey into the world of self help. Never forget that. Me, me, me. See? I already sound like a member of our stupid society.

In the end, my hope is that I am able to make people think, internalize and act on a wide array of subjects. My aim will be to make you laugh, cry and want to punch me in the eye (you knew there had to be at least one lame reference to the 'ode' to make it relevant). I will delve into some of the idiosyncrasies and dysfunctional aspects that make my family great. I will also talk about hot button sports topics, as they arise, which may consume this space for the foreseeable future. But mostly, I will speak to my observations of our stupid society and our obligation to each other to leave an indelible legacy and make it a more inhabitable, if not 'intelligent' place to live. Easy peasy...right?

Here's to celebrating the infancy and evolution of this wonderful project. Climb aboard and hang on. It's going to be a bumpy ride...

Until tomorrow,


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