Saturday, July 13, 2013

Her Name is Haiti

I had a topic all picked out for today, but I'm not quite ready to pull the trigger. So, instead, I've decided to hit the rewind button, to December,'03, a time of great anticipation and even greater uncertainty; a time of extortion, embezzlement and a government coup; a time of multiple visits to a third world country, escorted day and night by a man known only as 'Big'-he was, nobody messed with him, or us, and we definitely didn't ask why. It was a time spent in our hotel room, waiting for word, any word, on the status of our mission and learning of a foreign dictator found cowering in a bunker by a select group of elite American forces. It was a time of great victories and near catastrophe, and the intervention of a certain U.S. Senator who made our mission, and dreams, come true. This was the time  we fought and waited, not so patiently, for the decision to come; the determination that we could finally travel back to the country we've come to know and pick up our first born son. The following is my way of honoring those who gave us everything we'd ever hoped for, and more. 
I hope you enjoy...

Her Name is Haiti

From the time we first met her,
We were in love.
It was if He had spoken,
From high up above.

We sought out her fortunes,
And what did we find?
A beautiful child,
Truly one of a kind.

She said, "Come and take him,
Make him your own.
From now as a baby,
Until he is grown."

We replied, "Yes, but...
How can this possibly be?"
We need much more guidance,
That truth you must see."

So she told us a story,
One of turmoil and strife.
And how she had called us,
To save this one life.

"I love all my children,
I'm so richly blessed.
But, he needs a HOME now,
A place he can rest."

We listened in wonder,    
To this awesome story.
And grieved as she spoke,
Of her long fall from glory.

"But, that's in the past now",
She bravely replied.
"A great future we seek!"
She laughed, while we cried.

"There's no reason for sadness,
You've done all you can.
Now go take this boy,
And make him a man."

With that thought she turned,
And she went on her way.
Her story we promised, 
To tell him one day.

But who was this woman?
Not Oprah, or Katie.
No, she's even stronger...
Her name is Haiti.

Until tomorrow,

Makenley's dad

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