Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Four Letter Word

Just what makes the four letter word, the four letter word? How did it earn this dubious distinction? The word has been around for thousands of years and was used quite liberally in the times of the ancient Romans. So, what has happened in the centuries since, that has attached such a social stigma to the word?

My son asked me a while back, "Dad, can I get in trouble for using the four letter word at school?" "I don't really know how to answer that", I replied. "I suppose it depends where you are and who you're around". The more I thought about this response, the more I wondered if I was being a good role model, not taking a more solid stance on the subject. Think about it. It's a word. Sure, words have literal and implied meaning and words can hurt. But, why? What is it about this word that makes it taboo and socially unacceptable to use...well, anywhere?

We can't act like the four letter word doesn't exist, so isn't it about time we pulled our heads out of the sand? European societies don't have social anxiety over use of the word; in fact, you see it aired countless times throughout the course of any given day, on any number of television and radio stations. So, why then, in this country, the leader of the free world, can we not get beyond our own stupid, awkward fears and stand up, be brave, and tell our society and our government, that we're going to choose to invoke our 1st Amendment right to use the four letter word if, and when, we see fit?

As an intelligent and rational individual, you have the right to shed the shame and guilt that society has cast over use of the word, and liberate yourself in the process. Did you know that use of the four letter word is cathartic in nature and has the power to heal, and free, the mind? Who among us can't find value, or need, in that? As much as I preach about taking your life back, shouldn't liberation of the mind be a part of that process?

We were once such a truly brave, proud nation. The addition of so many laws and by-laws and amendments to the great constitution of our land has left us vulnerable, fearful and weak. Wake up and realize the four letter word is out there, and it's out there for a reason. And, as long as this remains the case, we have a responsibility to start healing ourselves. After all, what is there really to fear, about...


Until tomorrow,


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