Friday, January 24, 2014

My 24 Day Challenge...Day 14

This has been quite the roller coaster of physical and emotional, turmoil and triumph. There are quite a few trends which begin to take shape, following the first week, and the realization sets in that diligence is key, and in order to make it through you need to be 100% committed. 

Changes in dietary and exercise habits will produce immediate satisfaction, and give you the feeling of complete control. Once your body has a chance to react to these changes, and compensates, you need to surrender to your will power and determination to push through and continue to achieve results. 

The best way to describe it, is being on a freeway, traveling at whatever speed you desire, then coming upon a construction zone that has traffic at a stand still. As long as you don't turn around in the median, you will make it through to your destination; it just may take a little more time. 

The max phase is where the differences are made. Just when you are left wondering if you may careen off of the plateau you've been stranded on for a few days, your journey starts over again and your body begins a new celebration. Visual changes are more evident and your attitude and energy take a drastic turn for the better. There is a reason you've committed yourself to this program and the investment is paying dividends. I'm two weeks in, ten days to go, and I remain solidly on pace to meet, or exceed, my stated projections. From there, it's up to me...or you. Here are days eight through fourteen of my journey and a glimpse into the reality I have faced (no weigh-ins are included to protect my fragile sanity).

Day 8- Still losing, but need more discipline; fiber is back; AHHHH!!!!

Day 9- Feel like I'm stuck in neutral; getting new scale today, as this one refuses to reset (perhaps its attempting to communicate to me through immense failure); hopefully it's been lying to me.

Day 10- I'm stuck in a weight loss vortex; on a positive note,!! Good riddance...

Day 11- G-a-i-n-e-d; need a new strategy; perhaps waiting a few days to weigh; daily letdowns discouraging.

Day 12- Stagnate; second day of max phase; next level of losing? Time will tell...

Day 13- Holy $%#*; on the losing train again...BIG time! No more numbers 'til the end; fourteen pills a day is killing me; I think I'm a junkie.

Day 14- ___; wasn't supposed to post weight, but things are looking up again; max phase working like a this point.

Is it all puppy dogs and rainbows? No. But, the truth is, it works. If you remain focused and if you refuse to allow the battles to dictate the results of the will win. I am proof. The next ten days will test my power of resolve once more but, again, I am entrenched and up for the challenge; the final leg of my 24 Day Challenge. 

I've asked you to remain patient and let the results speak for themselves. Can you hear that noise in the distance? It's the sound of the volume being turned...up. Way up. We all deserve a chance to do the most with our position in life, and one thing we can control is the quality and choices we make, to maximize the impact relative to ourselves and others. Stay tuned, and dare to join me at the start/finish line. 

$4.17 a day, 13.1,


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