Saturday, January 25, 2014

I Love My Kids So Much, I Hate Them

Have you ever made a comment to one of your children and then been racked with guilt for hours, if not days? What is it about our offspring, that cause us to react in such a wide array of emotions? Could it be the fact that they are ours and, hence, doomed to wear many of our genetic characteristics like a scarlet letter? How is it possible to see both the devil's horn and the halo of an angel on the same little head, depending on how the light reflects off of their shiny, golden ringlets, or which profile they choose to share with us at any given time? Regardless of the conundrum posed by these rhetorical queries, one thing is certain: our kids bring out the best, and worst, in all of us.

When I get older, I'm never going to be mean to my kids! 
I still remember the first time I spouted this nonsense to my parents. We were living in central Ohio, riding home from church one Sunday morning and, as usual, my mouth was writing checks my body couldn't cash. I received one of my seemingly endless 'tickets to discipline' and the only ridiculous response I could muster was how patient and understanding I would always be to my children, because my parents were so cruel and unusual to me.
What I found, rather quickly, is, the only thing unusual about my profound, illogical, logic was how flawed my perspective and rationale were, at the ripe old age of eleven. I mean, clearly I had all the answers. I was just asking the wrong questions...

Karma is a female dog
They knew. They knew, they knew. And they knew that we didn't know they knew. But, how is that possible? How did they constantly out maneuver us at each turn, so agile and ninja like? I mean, they were our parents. They were stupid. Well, they played dumb...and they were brilliant.
Just as often as utilizing discipline as "teaching moments", they may just put us outside and lock they door, forcing us to resolve our conflicts however we saw fit. What was that all about? Were they too blind to realize we might kill each other? No, but they may have been hoping.
And the little mental checklists, we now understand they kept hidden in the deep recesses of their minds all of those years; were they realizing the exponential growth of the wisdom instilled in them by their parents, all those years before? Were they celebrating the sowing and harvesting of their personal bushel of karma, then clipping us off our own little keepsake, like the root of a Hosta plant? It gives one pause...

My parents are mocking me
Its funny, watching them now, sitting there basking in their arrogant glory, quiet little smirks crossing their wrinkly old faces, as we struggle to wrest control from one adolescent to the next, like a finely choreographed scene out of West Side Story. They don't say a word, just make a little extra noise tuning the page of the Daily Bugle, clearing that nasty frog from the dark hollows of their grainy esophageal canal. Come to think of it, they are acting in the exact same fashion that their parents acted before them. The main difference being that I actually liked their parents.
Maybe I don't hate my kids. Maybe I'm still extremely resentful of the omnipresent nature of my parents and their clear parental superiority, in all things decidedly parental. I don't know, but if my dad gives that contented sigh one more time, after biting into a Lay's potato chip...

I wish they were home more
This is the prevailing attitude that lingers for eight weeks a semester, then is extinguished eight hours into their break...any break. What does 'home more' mean, exactly? Do I mean, 'so I can ignore them more while they're around me?' Do I feel an overwhelming urge to heap more of my own parental inadequacies on their slight frames?
I know, it must be because, when they are away, the silence is deafening. We can't stand not having the chaos, and fighting, and screaming, and...
How did fall and hit every branch on the Tree of Ignorance, while for all intents and purposes, my parents came out of this thing unscathed? Funny, I do wish they were home more...

What year do they graduate, again?
Now, hold on a minute. There they go using that Jedi mind trick on us again. Just when you think it's safe to believe they are sane, they find a new, improved, button to push; one that couldn't possibly have been discovered before, in the history of mankind. No, this level of disobedience and disrespect is presidential (look, I made a funny).
The ingenious nature of a multitude of their arguments, is so absurd, you have to simply sit back and admire the sheer tenacity with which they display their self-evident "truths". You've heard it before: 'If they would put half as much energy into...', but it's true. If they would only listen, our lives would all be so much easier. 'Don't focus on winning the battle, win the war'. Well, I've got to tell you, if they're not careful, this is going to turn into a single battle war. Pipe down, pops, I can hear you crunching...

I love them in spite of my flaws
This is the greatest truth, and the most glaring weakness. They are mine and they are a direct reflection of me, so they can't be blamed for 'inconvenient truths', or those beyond the realm of their control. What they can do, is overcome them. They can strive to prove me wrong every day, to make a better life for themselves and their families. They can mature and be smarter, and wiser than we are, as parents (I know, not exactly the 'Fosbury Flop', huh?). They can grow to be benevolent and kind, and...greater.
If they hate me now, my ignorance and ineptitude, then I must be doing something right. This is all we can do for them; give them the tools to succeed and the perseverance for when they fail. Faith and destiny will take care of the rest. Don't hate your kids...all of the time.

Until tomorrow,


Friday, January 24, 2014

My 24 Day Challenge...Day 14

This has been quite the roller coaster of physical and emotional, turmoil and triumph. There are quite a few trends which begin to take shape, following the first week, and the realization sets in that diligence is key, and in order to make it through you need to be 100% committed. 

Changes in dietary and exercise habits will produce immediate satisfaction, and give you the feeling of complete control. Once your body has a chance to react to these changes, and compensates, you need to surrender to your will power and determination to push through and continue to achieve results. 

The best way to describe it, is being on a freeway, traveling at whatever speed you desire, then coming upon a construction zone that has traffic at a stand still. As long as you don't turn around in the median, you will make it through to your destination; it just may take a little more time. 

The max phase is where the differences are made. Just when you are left wondering if you may careen off of the plateau you've been stranded on for a few days, your journey starts over again and your body begins a new celebration. Visual changes are more evident and your attitude and energy take a drastic turn for the better. There is a reason you've committed yourself to this program and the investment is paying dividends. I'm two weeks in, ten days to go, and I remain solidly on pace to meet, or exceed, my stated projections. From there, it's up to me...or you. Here are days eight through fourteen of my journey and a glimpse into the reality I have faced (no weigh-ins are included to protect my fragile sanity).

Day 8- Still losing, but need more discipline; fiber is back; AHHHH!!!!

Day 9- Feel like I'm stuck in neutral; getting new scale today, as this one refuses to reset (perhaps its attempting to communicate to me through immense failure); hopefully it's been lying to me.

Day 10- I'm stuck in a weight loss vortex; on a positive note,!! Good riddance...

Day 11- G-a-i-n-e-d; need a new strategy; perhaps waiting a few days to weigh; daily letdowns discouraging.

Day 12- Stagnate; second day of max phase; next level of losing? Time will tell...

Day 13- Holy $%#*; on the losing train again...BIG time! No more numbers 'til the end; fourteen pills a day is killing me; I think I'm a junkie.

Day 14- ___; wasn't supposed to post weight, but things are looking up again; max phase working like a this point.

Is it all puppy dogs and rainbows? No. But, the truth is, it works. If you remain focused and if you refuse to allow the battles to dictate the results of the will win. I am proof. The next ten days will test my power of resolve once more but, again, I am entrenched and up for the challenge; the final leg of my 24 Day Challenge. 

I've asked you to remain patient and let the results speak for themselves. Can you hear that noise in the distance? It's the sound of the volume being turned...up. Way up. We all deserve a chance to do the most with our position in life, and one thing we can control is the quality and choices we make, to maximize the impact relative to ourselves and others. Stay tuned, and dare to join me at the start/finish line. 

$4.17 a day, 13.1,


Friday, January 17, 2014

My 24 Day Challenge...Day 7

I'm not completely sure what to say, or where to start, so I'll say this sucks and it's great. It sucks because there is nothing subtle about the changes we are forced to make. It's great because it's working. It's win or go home, and you have to be willing to accept that reality. Without giving numbers, for fear that lady karma will take a chunk out of my backside, I will tell you I've been at it seven days, and I've lost every day. You do the math. 

When deciding how best to communicate my journey to those of you hopeless, or bored, enough to read it, I've concluded it's most effective to let my daily notes do the talking. Lady and gentleman, I give you the first week of my AdvoCare 24 day challenge, as it has profoundly impacted and affected my life. Pardon me while I go drink a gallon of water with my leafy brunch...

Day 1- Starting weight ___ (nice try). A lot of changes; hard to drink so much water; cheated at the end and finished my Oreos (what are you gonna do?).
Day 2- Weighed in at ___. I can see how people give up; a little confusing on "cans/cant's"; a little shaky, but snacks help.
Day 3- ___. Gotta remember herbal cleanse tablets at bedtime (when I leave for work); done with nasty fiber drink for 5 whole days (watery granules in a juice pitcher with a hint of lemon and 3M fine/medium grit sandpaper).
Day 4- ___. Staying the course. Remember pills!!!
Day 5- ___. Averaging __+ lbs loss per day; over personal starting goal of __ per day; good start; remain diligent (this all sounds very inspiring, but it's a struggle to read my own writing from the tremors in my hands).
Day 6- ___. Everything going pretty well; managing portions getting easier; night shift messing with me; __ lbs to date!!
Day 7- Kicking butt and taking names; stay focused (which is made increasingly difficult since I've misplaced my reading glasses)!!

This is my life. This is my new reality. Seven days in, and the temptations are waning. That does not mean I won't fall apart and begin to binge tomorrow, but I do see the tangible benefits, and there is a more absolute purpose to what I'm doing here. For me, it's about longevity and increasing the quality of that time. I want to tackle new challenges and fulfill promise to myself, while serving others. This is one of the reasons I've chosen to run the mini marathon here in Indianapolis; to dedicate my life to more frequent, greater, experiences and to share those experiences with my family and friends.

Life has owned me for a very long time and I'm here to tell you, I'm taking it back. We get one go around (well, except Shirley MacLaine, perhaps), and I'm choosing to do more with mine, for as long as My Maker will allow. Here's to the next seven days of this magnificent journey...

$4.17 a day/13.1,


Sunday, January 12, 2014

My 24 Day Challenge Journal...4.17 A Day, 13.1

What have I gotten myself into? It's a question that bears repeating, but hopefully has one absolute answer, and truth: a better lifestyle. On a whim, I agreed to run in our local mini marathon next May. My thought process was, 'I'm not a runner; a lot of people aren't. It's probably a once in a life's time thing, so why not?' Then reality set in. If I'm committed to this, truly committed, it's not going to happen in this current place in my life. Change is a must; to survive, if nothing else. Then I stumbled across the 24 Day Challenge.

AdvoCare is something I'd heard about in passing, but never really given much thought. Then, I noticed friends promoting the product and benefits, more celebrity endorsements, and prominent ads. I started paying a little closer attention, and when a friend of my wife's approached us and asked about the challenge, the timing was perfect to say, or ask again, 'Why not?' If nothing else, it's 3 1/2 weeks and I can bail at the end, creating some new Swiss ailment to befall me, and gracefully bow out of the race. But that didn't happen. Not yet, anyway. 

I'm in day three of my 24 day challenge, and I'm losing weight; and feeling better. It's not easy by any stretch. In fact, it sucks. I'm learning an entirely new way to care for my body, or, to simply care for my body, and it's h-a-r-d. Foods I'm "forced" to eat are healthy and smaller in portions, the drinks vary widely in degrees of tolerance, and volume. The last time I even saw water was in the shower, and that's been days ago. I mean, I haven't drank this much since,'s been a long time. Talk about a total body makeover. I can literally feel the changes in my body as they are happening. My synapses are popping and my body is screaming, 'What are you going to do with me now?'

I have two short term goals for success in this program, with accompanying, concise mottos: a) to earn the $100 prize at the end for greatest percentage of weight loss, or "$4.17 a day", and b) to use this as a viable stepping stone for the race, or "13.1". More importantly than those trivial pursuits, is a long range goal of the utmost importance: to be here for my family for a very long time, with the most sincere apologies to my wife.

My plan is to update the journey, in journal form, at seven days, two weeks and at the end. These seem to be the most significant milestones to me, and good indicators of where I'm headed, going forward. It's going to be a struggle, but one in which I am firmly entrenched. Once I set my mind to a project, especially a life altering project, I'm all in. These physical changes will be the launch of what I anticipate being meaningful changes personally, socially and professionally, as well. I will stop dangerously short of declaring a resolution, but what I can tell you, definitively, is that 2014 will be a positive turning point for me and my family.

$4.17 a day, 13.1, 


Monday, January 6, 2014

I'm Baaaa-ccck!!

'Back from where, exactly?' 
'Were you deployed, or in prison?' 
'Were you on sabbatical, or on one of these pilgrimages I've been reading so much about?' 
"No, life just got in the way."
'How exactly does "life" get in the way?' 'Isn't life'
"Well yes, but, there's the kids and school obligations, therapy appointments and practice; and then there's the matter of sleep."
'So, basically all of the things that you used to write about, that the dozens, okay, dozen or so of us enjoyed reading about so much; these things got in your way?' 
'You're not Steinbeck, or Hemingway, Grisham, or King.' 'You are what you are, and you need to learn to accept that, get over yourself and move on.'
"Yes, but..."
'But, nothing.' 
'Write your little blog snippets, that were so "Therapeutic" in the beginning, give both of us our laughs, and then go live.' 
'Keep creating the experiences that translate fairly well into the electronic medium, do all of the things that require your attention and proper prioritization, and then come back and share.' 
'Share with us the events that affect us all on a daily basis, that seem so important at the time, and mostly turn into fodder for this page.' 
'We need that.' 
'It keeps us all "sane"; and that was your motivation from the outset, right?'
"Okay, I will. I will resolve to make more of an effort; to put script to the page in order to satisfy some sadistic fantasy you all may share." "I will dedicate myself to being more consistent with my submissions, so that even one crazy life may be altered as a result." 
"Most importantly, I will do it for myself; as an outlet, and a means of reflection." "I will write down the things that impact our lives every day, week and month; happy, sad, good and bad." 
"I will attempt to convey these emotions as clearly, if not concisely, as possible." "I will write both as an avenue of remembrance, and an oath to never forget." "Thank you...all."

And with that...I'm back.

Until tomorrow(ish),


Saturday, January 4, 2014


Call me dense; I never got it until today. How dare a rival school mock our storied 'Script Ohio', with the now infamous "OHNO". What in the world could cause this repulsive behavior, that which would seem low, even for these bottom dwelling, no-class, unimaginative losers? What caused this monstrosity to occur? "We" did. Well, not we in the sense of the true fan base of our beloved school. "We", in terms of the obnoxious, win today, gone tomorrow, vocal majority of fanatics, which pollute our stadiums, air waves and web pages, like L.A. on a good day. The latest example of this blatant idiocy? The Twitter feeds of several current players, after last night's tough loss in the Orange Bowl.

The targets of the latest rants, threats and other verbal diarrhea, are Bradley Roby and Philly Brown. The problem with the assault on any player, let alone these two, is that they give everything for their school, for the duration of their stay, and actually have something at stake, beyond a rooting interestThese are the guys who go to spring practice, hours of film study, then endure a brutal schedule each year, all while balancing school, social obligations, and the glaring white hot spotlight of playing for one of the largest universities, with The largest fan base, in the country. Some of you will read this and think, 'So what? It comes with the territory. AND they get a "free" education'. Or, more profoundly, 'If they don't like it, go play for someone else. They're just spoiled anyway'. Well, I have news for you, "Superfan", when you have one of your players state that they are "ashamed to have played for y'all", the line has officially been crossed, and there's no longer anything 'free' about that education you all so eloquently like to orate about, ad nauseam. That, and they will eventually go elsewhere.

Do these mental giants, walking billboards of mediocrity, realize there are 2 very major elements to bringing these prized recruits to our fine school? The first of which, and most importantly, is the list of current and former players, who have crossed the threshold of the locker room doors and onto the stadium grass. I'm pretty sure you're not getting a ringing endorsement from a guy who is being called soft, or un-dedicated, or another undeserved target of death threats who, say it isn't so, muffed a punt, after hauling in 8 very important catches for over 100 yards. A secondary element, also of the utmost importance, is the new age, 'Fan Base Factor'. It takes literally 5 seconds to put something out in a social media setting, to a bunch of your peers, or potential team mates, saying, "Don't ever make the same mistake I made." Think that's not real? Take a good hard look at the plethora of commit reversals all over the country. What Einstein and his band of misfit, PBR guzzling, brothers fail to grasp, is, that with one tweet, or post, they can literally undo what took a staff of university paid coaches, months, if not years, to achieve. The following is from my Facebook post, regarding an article which brought all of this nonsense to light, some of which may be reiterating what I've already written, but bears repeating in this age of chronic mental midgetry.

A few things need to be pointed out here: 1) This is not unique to OSU. The vocal majority make the headlines, and unless you've been to the "big house" and been pelted by marshmallows filled with pennies, you know not of what you speak. 2) These people are not fans. Fans are the people who grow up rooting for their team, live and die with them, and feel empathy toward the players, when things are not going their way, especially in the case of a classy kid, and awesome receiver, like Philly. 3) Good remarks, or support in negative times, are not newsworthy. Instead we are fed doses of the negative nonsense, which is nearly as irresponsible. Face it, would you have looked at this page if the contents didn't look like an absolute train wreck? Unfortunately, what these morons do, is make the work of the coaching staff that much more difficult, in trying to recruit these top-flight players. In all honesty, as much as I love my home state university, I don't know that I would ever want my child to play there; and that's a crying shame...

My plea to these 2 fine players, and any others who may face this reprehensible behavior, or become targets of these demeaning, bigoted, ignorant threats, is to take it at face value and ask yourself if a real fan would truly react this way. The short answer is, 'No'. Emphatically, and without apology...NO. We are behind our team, and our guys, 100% in every situation; good or bad. We celebrate with you when you win, and hurt when you lose, but never to the level of you all, who dedicate so much of your lives to the success of our great football team. Thank you for all that you do, and from all of us in Buckeye Nation, congratulations on another tremendous year. 

How firm thy friendship,
