Monday, February 3, 2014

My 24 Day Challenge...Day 25

I stand here at the crossroads of my 'Magical Mystery Tour', wondering what's next. Okay, not really wondering; dreading, perhaps? Anticipating? What is the next phase of my reality? It's a rhetorical question, really. I know what the next 90 days have in store for me and my body, although at times I doubt my readiness for that torture based transformation. Beyond that, I'm not sure. I want to think I'll remain strong and dedicated to this "new me", but I've been here before. Once I have met my goal of preparing for the run, then accomplished that goal, if I don't have a ledgers' worth of new hurdles, I'll be lost. Ironically, that will be right at the time I am able to start cycle 2 of the 24 Day Challenge, so there is that.

All in all, I feel like a million bucks, although it's not easy altering so many aspects of your life in one fell swoop. I questioned myself, almost daily along this most recent journey, but only I am to blame. They recommend weighing at the beginning and at the end of the process. Now I know why. The psychological roller coaster you ride weighing daily, is draining, and enhances the struggle; for sanity, if nothing else.
As good as it feels to lose 3 lbs in one day, it's just as damaging to gain 2 the next. And you do gain. Anyone who tells you differently is lying. The body is smarter than we are. Every seven days, or so, it wakes up and says, 'Alright smart guy; I can play that game too', then commences to lay down the hammer of Thor on our arrogant heads. Knowing what I do now, I would eliminate those masochistic tendencies, follow their directions, and lose even more. There is no doubt in my mind, my selfishness cost me my goal weight. That being said...

If I'm being honest, can I really act like I'm disappointed to only lose 20.2 lbs in 24 days? R-e-a-l-l-y? 20.2 lbs?!? The obvious answer is 'no', but leaves the door open for an even greater second phase of my process, to realize my weaknesses and failings, grab them by the horns and regain control. For as awesome as AdvoCare was to me in this journey, I have to tell you, that is a fraction of the battle. The remainder revolves around dedication, temptation, determination, real change and a constant motivation to be do better. Because, to this point, friends, good hasn't been good enough.
Here, I give you the last 10 days, of my own personal reality check. It wasn't easy; it's  not supposed to be. But, it's worth every dime, sweat, tear and pill (and there are a LOT of pills)...

Day 15-Still ahead of goal pace; crossed with exercise, should bring it home.

Day 16-Leveled out, but feeling great. I may not win the $100, but there's a bigger pay off in the end; Tony Horton, where are you?

Day 17-Not gaining, not losing; hopefully workouts will assist loss; torture starts today. Lord help me...

Day 18-Little movement; variety of foods expanding; temptations limited.

Day 19-Rock solid; light at the end of the tunnel; I will win the war...

Day 20-H-U-G-E day; it seems I threw my body another curve, just when it appeared he had figured me out; wow!

Day 21-The lifestyle has become habitual, and the transformation is clearly evident; a little fine tuning to close it out.

Day 22-WT?? I'm doing all the right things, staying focused...and I'm gaining??? Not defeated, just pissed; there is a BIG difference...

Day 23-Not bringing the scale out until tomorrow; in fact, that was probably a mistake from the beginning; should have listened, but noOOoo; tomorrow's the day; screw the money, this is about me.

Day 24-I should not have allowed my self to finish on Super Bowl Sunday. What was I thinking? Okay, yes, I had an extra burrito; sue me. Bottom line, I know where mistakes were made and why I had very minimal loss over the last 5 days, or so; 20.2 lbs, pretty freaking awesome, so I'll take it! On to the next episode...

I told you at the beginning to follow me, watch the transformation for yourself, then judge the value of change for you. It works. I am living proof. It's not about turning yourself over to a bunch of supplements, to alter your body. This isn't a steroid shop. It's about surrendering yourself to those things that can help along the way. My AdvoCare 24 Day Challenge has been exceptional. Now that I've immersed myself in the benefits of the products I've been exposed to, I have even greater confidence in expanding my selections, to meet my needs going forward. Here's to being better...



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