Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Movement Has Begun

"They make fun of the way I talk, and nobody will help me." This one simple, agonizing, innocent phrase has changed the course of our lives forever, and begun a movement which has transformed into a living, breathing entity. 

The support for our son, and others like him, has been overwhelming. We have been witness to a multitude of people coming together for one common goal: alleviate the threat of bullying in our schools and communities. I had no realistic expectations for this thing. I thought, 'I'll ask a few friends for some box tops, so he can at least show an effort in the fund raising for his school and I'll call it a show of support for his emotional troubles, just to make the administrators at his school aware'. Well, as luck, God, or whatever would have it, the people in our extended families and friends' network wouldn't have it. We have received box tops from hospitals, universities, special needs schools, friends, friends of friends, and yes, even a nationally renowned rock-n-roll band.  We've had a national organization for families 'ask' if they could be a part of our endeavor, and have asked me to be present to field questions and discuss our situation and mission, at a meeting in Gainsville, Florida next month, while we're there on vacation. The developments have been swift and steady. I just hope I'm ready for this ride.

If there's one thing I've learned in all of this, it's that, while some people are still stupid, the majority are wonderful, caring and selfless individuals, and we have all been affected by this blight on society in some form or fashion in our lives. Truth be told, I've actually learned a lot of things, but I just don't ever like to give the impression that I don't know it all. One of these things is that if you dedicate yourself to something, and show conviction, people will respond. The last thing any of us needs, is something else to occupy our time, but persistence and ownership, through an emotional purchase, leaves us no choice but to be involved. And the degree of involvement doesn't have to be all-consuming; that's the beauty of what we're doing. If you eat, and are strong enough to tear through cardboard, or cellophane, and mail letters, or know someone who's already can help. It literally takes less than two minutes to make an impact, to affect change. I know, I've timed it.

Heading into October, National Anti-Bullying Month, we are coming to an important crossroad in our continued development. It's critical now, more than ever, to make the next move, or take the next step, whatever that may be. For me, it will be to flame the desire to follow my calling, and fulfill the promise of a duty I've sought out for over 30 years. That will include speaking to groups, reaching out to additional outlets, media and otherwise, bending the ears of anyone who will listen, and those who have not. And it will include my begging, borrowing and stealing to ensure I make every single possible effort to make this mission an inconceivable, unexplainable, unimaginable success, for Makenley and his 'friends' around the country.

Be prepared, good people. We're just getting started. The train is gaining momentum and I don't see it slowing down any time soon. What I ask of you is simple: show support for our son, or anyone you know who has been subjected to this heinous, learned behavior. Stand behind us in our fight to eradicate these unconscionable acts from our schools, our neighborhoods...our lives. Take the time to clip even one box top, to help empower the movement. You are the ones that make it happen; we merely provide the vehicle. The children deserve our attention in this matter. They deserve our 'A' game, our greatest effort. The children deserve to be "free".

Share to make aware...


You can mail your box tops and a simple note of encouragement (this will require an additional minute) to:
Makenley Deuschle
C/O Robey Elementary
8700 W. 30th St.
Indianapolis, In. 46234

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