Saturday, August 10, 2013

Eye Don' Knead Know Speling Oar Grammer...

My name is Boo K. Riter and this won thyme inn school, eye remember my teacher says "ewe better listen too me cuz your goin two knead this some day. I was like, man your knot even going too bee their sew why our u hastlin me. " I use two h8 dat place be cuz it was like a prism sentence and they're was no per roll. I coldnt even bear too Sho up have the time, butt eye did any whey an it were a pane inn the but. Sum times I wood sit inn the back of the class and make fun of all the smart kids they wasn't to fun too bee around at all ever? Some how my teechers had me go all the way to twelveth grade and it was off full. This was da longist year of my live. Butt they let me graju eight anyways and eye laffed at them all on the stage in the Jim when they gave me a duhploma!

That some er wuz the bestest ever when I flu on a plain four the first time and went to Disney whirled. My buddy's dident go becoz they was to Bize getting reddy fore collige its col tho be cause it  was awe sum without them awl bye my self. I road all the rides and saw the cassel. Then eye flu back an every won was gone. All off my frends that I use two chill with moved away so I just layed inn my room and did knot care when they all left me. It was pritty sad and I was board that I didn't half any bruthers oar sisters.

Won day I woke up an de sided I shooed git a job and make knew frends, oar go try too go two collige my self. And ewe no what, I started two feel better about my self. I was ix sited too feel good agin. I werked hard an studied perty hard to, and inn the middle of skool I de sided to get Sirius two become a righter. Eye practised and I practiced, and over time I began to understand things more clearly. I enjoyed learning and helping other people who asked, or needed my help, and my life began  to take shape and have value.

I received my degree English literature, with a minor in Journalism and have decided to spend a year abroad, learning about different cultures and gathering even more knowledge, so I can come back and share those experiences with others. I am so glad I woke up and took the advice of that teacher. My only regret is that I don't remember her name because, frankly, I just didn't care at the time. So, if you're out there and you remember that 10-year-old boy who used to give you grief each day, and acted as if he didn't listen and didn't care; he did listen, he does care and he thanks you.

Thank you to all of the teachers who give so much of themselves each day, and always do the very best they can, for their students. You never know the life you are impacting at any given time; it may just be that boy, or girl, that's a little bit different than the others and seems to care a whole lot less. You have the 'gift'; the gift of sacrifice, and caring for the welfare of these children. That includes the student that doesn't dress quite as nice, or exhibit exactly the proper habits regarding hygiene and may not be fully engaged at all times. It isn't always their fault, and many times you are the one person who can impact them in a positive manner; be their refuge. Educating isn't easy and it's not supposed to be. If it were, everyone would do it. I encourage you to keep up the fight and never give up, especially when it seems hopeless, like they don't care. They do, it just may take some a little longer to appreciate the lessens you instilled in them, fulfilling their promise and moving forward, sharing their gift with someone else. Remember, those who can...teach.

Until tomorrow,


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